Low carbon heat programme ropes in just 79 households in the first two months

Heating buildings is the single most important use of fossil fuels in high latitude countries such as the UK. In the average British home gas use is almost five times as much as electricity consumption. The Green Deal is a part of the approach to cutting heating demands but ‘the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is the main scheme of the heat strategy’, according to DECC. The RHI for domestic homes was finally launched at the beginning of April after a gestation period of about five years. According to the most recent data, just 79 homes signed up for the RHI in the first two months. Although the RHI subsidy scheme offers some tempting payments, the signs so far are that this scheme will fail in the same way as the Green Deal has done.

The domestic RHI makes a guaranteed payment per kilowatt hour of ‘renewable’ heat produced by air and ground source heat pumps, rooftop solar hot water and wood burning boilers. These subsidies persist for the first seven years after installation. Regular readers of the comments on this blog will know that many air source heat pump installations have turned out to be horrible disasters for homeowners. Except in unusually well insulated houses, the RHI provides nowhere near enough subsidy to cover the increased cost of the electricity needed to operate the pump.

Solar hot water systems are paid over 19 pence per kilowatt hour for each unit of heat that is produced. This might produce a subsidy payment of £400 a year for homeowners spending perhaps £4,000 to put solar collectors on their roofs. Unfortunately, those of us foolish enough to have installed solar collectors ten years ago know that the cost of the annual maintenance for the system tend to outweigh the likely savings.

More pertinently, it is almost impossible for anybody reading the DECC manuals on the RHI to work out exactly how much their solar hot water payments will be. The subsidy is geared to the size of the house and the number of the occupants but I have to confess that I am completely unclear as to how to calculate the amount of heat that is deemed to be produced, and therefore the subsidy payments that are due each year. I cannot  even find the document that specifies the formula to be used. (Can anybody help??)

One solar hot water installer told me recently that he had decided to give up installing systems. It isn’t worthwhile to pay the cost of maintaining his authorisation.

This leaves biomass boilers. In certain circumstances, such as in a new house, the finances of biomass look really attractive. The payments for a medium sized home with a heating need of 15,000 kilowatt hours (about the UK average) will be almost £2,000 a year for seven years. This is certainly enough to cover the cost of the system in most circumstances. In addition, if the home is off the gas grid it will be replacing oil or LPG (perhaps 6p per kWh) with wood pellets costing about 5p per kWh. So there is actually a saving on fuel bills as well as the subsidy.

But whether the owner of an existing home heated by LPG or oil would think it worthwhile to put a pellet or wood chip boiler in the house to replace the existing apparatus is much less certain. The dislocation is likely to be very painful.

So perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that even after the extraordinary amount of work that DECC put into designing the domestic RHI scheme it looks like failing to capture the enthusiasm of installers or homeowners. The number of new systems is deeply depressing.

Tariff band







% of total


% of total

 Air source heat pump





 Ground source heat pump










 Solar thermal











In the first two months of the scheme – which had been heavily pushed for almost a year in advance – the total number of RHI installations was 79 spread across the four different technologies. This equates to about 500 homes a year.

Of course things may improve as the scheme gets better known. But I‘ve seen very little sign of any increase in interest. If the RHI is indeed ‘main scheme in the heat strategy’, we’re not going  to see any observable impact on carbon emissions  from any government policy. The Green Deal continues to underperform with a total of just 1,372 plans signed over the first 16 months. In addition, the retreat from the Energy Company Obligation means that free insulation rates have fallen sharply in the last few months, with the April installation rate (about 33,000 individual measures) lower than any other month since June 2013. It’s difficult not to conclude that policymakers have completely lost interest in decarbonising domestic heat.



E.ON ignores the DECC agreement to allow local individuals to invest in wind farms

The UK government is keen to encourage more involvement by communities and individuals in commercial renewable energy projects. In particular, it believed it had made a voluntary agreement with the main developers to offer local people the chance to invest in new schemes. It had hoped that it would not have to legislate to oblige commercial companies to let communities buy shares. Unfortunately the agreement doesn’t appear to be working. Even big companies are ignoring it. One recent example is the Rhyd-y-Groes wind farm on Anglesey. E.ON, the huge German-owned utility, is starting the local consultation process prior to applying for planning permission to take down the existing turbines and put a much larger wind farm in its place, probably in late 2015. It is not offering a stake to local people. When I asked why the company was ignoring the agreement to facilitate community ownership I was told in an email

‘Every project is assessed on it’s own merits and it also depends on the size of the project’.

In addition, E.ON is not meeting the agreed industry standard for the payment of money into community funds. The benchmark is £5,000 a year per megawatt of capacity. E.ON is offering less than £4,000 at this site.

It looks like Ed Davey has failed and he’ll have to bring forward legislation to oblige wind farm developers to meet the very limited voluntary commitments he thought he had agreed with them.

In Germany, about 50% of all wind and solar is owned by individuals and cooperatives. In belatedly encouraging community ownership, the UK government is seeking to copy what it is now utterly commonplace in Germany and other parts of northern Europe. Part of the logic, by the way, is that when a town owns a respectable stake in a wind farm it ceases to object to the appearance of the turbines.

This is what the DECC Community Energy Strategy said in February of this year

The renewables industry has committed to facilitate a substantial increase in the shared ownership of new, commercial onshore renewables developments and is already developing ever more ambitious and innovative approaches to community engagement and benefits, including some good examples of shared community ownership.

But rather than trying to work with communities and government, E.ON has decided to go its own way. For a company that stresses its wish to restore its reputation in the UK in the wake of scandals such as the misspelling of electricity and gas for which it paid a penalty of £12m a few weeks ago, this is very strange behaviour indeed.



The biggest proposed tidal energy project yet. In China, of course.

Capturing the energy in the tides is an expensive business. The 340 MW Swansea tidal lagoon project is going to cost the best part of a billion pounds although future UK tidal lagoons will probably be much cheaper. (This project is raising first stage development funding from individual investors. See tidallagoonswanseabay.com for further details). A Dynamic Tidal dam, showing different sea levels on either side

Earlier in the week an even more ambitious scheme took another step forward. A Dutch/Chinese joint venture announced that its $40bn plan to capture the energy from tides off the coast of China had entered formal economic evaluation by the national government after several years of feasibility studies. If you thought you knew what tidal power plants looked like, think again. It isn’t a barrage across an estuary, nor a lagoon and even less like the Marine Current Turbines underwater windmill. It’s a giant embankment heading 40 km out into the sea completed at the far end by a sea wall running perpendicular to the main structure.

The intended location for this huge T is the Chinese coast between Xiamen and Shantou, pointing out towards Taiwan. The central idea is that this embankment will block the daily tides that run parallel to the coast, causing the water on one side of the wall to rise, and other side to fall. The physics are intuitive; if you put your foot into a stream, the water rises a little on the upstream side and you can see a slight depression in the area just downstream of your leg.

The difference in height, and the tidal flow itself, create the potential to generate electricity. 4,000 bidirectional turbines will capture the energy of the tide, generating a maximum of 15GW. (That’s about 40% of electricity demand on UK summer afternoons).

Cross section of tidal embankment

Such an enormous project seems completely fanciful. The demands for concrete and stone alone seem to dwarf even China’s capacity. However the idea has been successfully pushed by a well-regarded consortium of Dutch marine engineering companies who claim the challenges are surmountable.

Could this $40bn idea make financial sense? Let’s compare it with the proposed Hinkley nuclear power station. Hinkley is expected to cost £16bn for a two 1.6 GW reactors. That’s about £5bn or around $8bn, a GW. We need to inflate this slightly to reflect that nuclear reactors don’t work all the hours in the year – 90% uptime is a reasonable figure. So the cost of Hinkley comes out at around $8.8bn for an average gigawatt of electricity.

The Chinese tidal plant wouldn’t generate the full 15 GW all the time but power output would rise and fall during each tidal cycle. One estimate would be that the plant would average 6 GW over a year, including some allowance for maintenance. If the cost is $40bn, then the capital required per gigawatt of output is about $6.7 bn. This makes the tidal project about three quarters the price of new UK nuclear. And that’s before considering the fuel, operating and waste disposal costs of Hinkley. The nuclear plant may also take longer to build with the proponents saying that the embankment could be ready by 2020, several years before Hinkley is scheduled to open. All-in-all, the price of electricity from Hinkley – about £92.50 per megawatt hour – could perhaps be undercut by 30 or 40% percent by a tidal embankment.

Of course there are ecological issues with a barrier running 40 km out to sea. This is going to affect the marine environment, possibly severely. The obstacles to the project are still forbidding. However the Dutch consortium claims to be already looking elsewhere around the globe for its second site. As you’d expect, the focus is on the places where the strongest tides run along the coastline and water depths aren’t too great. The North Sea coast of the UK is one the list of the most favourable opportunities.



First commercial scale electricity to methane plant goes ahead

  Avedore waste water treatment plant

In December 2013 wind supplied 55% of Danish electricity. On several days, turbines provided over 130% of the total need for power. The variability and overwhelming scale of wind-generated electricity in Denmark poses problems for the grid operator, Energinet. Other countries hoping to emulate Denmark, such as the UK, will face similar concerns.

The last post on this web site moaned about the lack of fundamental research into energy production and storage. Working out how best to run an electricity system that is dominated by a single and rapidly fluctuating source of power is one obvious area where R+D is urgently needed. In Denmark, the national grid operator has just funded over half the development capital for an advanced Power2Gas project at a wastewater treatment plant in Copenhagen. The crucial advantage of Power2Gas is that it can use surplus power, available when the wind is blowing strongly, to turn electricity into natural gas. By contrast, the UK failed to find the capital for a similar proposal here.

The Copenhagen 1MW project may fail. The technology is new and although it has worked very effectively at a smaller scale, there is no guarantee that it will operate successfully in the larger configuration planned for the wastewater plant. But there is no alternative to Power2Gas as a long-run solution to the energy storage problem. The world needs to invest now in risky projects that will eventually show us how to store surplus electricity in the gas grid.




When the grid has too much power pressing to enter the transmission network, the operator has no choice but to disconnect (or ‘curtail’) some sources of electricity. The power that could have been used is wasted.


One alternative is take the otherwise worthless surplus and use it for the electrolysis of water. This splits water molecules into the constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms. This is a simple process, carried out in chemistry labs of all the secondary schools in the world. The hydrogen has energy value. When burnt or combined with carbon it can be used as a fuel.


Some people therefore believe that we should run advanced economies on hydrogen. For example, hydrogen can be used in fuel cells for vehicles or home heating. It is perfectly feasible that a large fraction of our total energy demand could be met with H2.


The problem is that the world would have to build huge amounts of hydrogen storage and convert all engines that currently use fossil fuels into machines that use H2 instead. This is almost certainly too expensive and too disruptive to be a realistic option.


An alternative is to take the hydrogen and combine it with CO2 to make methane (CH4) and oxygen. Making methane in this way is also a simple chemical process. Methane is by far the most important ingredient in natural gas.


Since methane can be added in almost unlimited amounts to the natural gas network, it may be possible to convert long surpluses of wind or solar power into an alternative source of power. Germany, for example, has gas storage capacity equivalent to over 200 days of use. It could conceivably store all surpluses of wind or PV electricity in the form of methane, providing a zero carbon source of gas for burning in power stations when renewable energy isn’t sufficiently available.


Among other advantages this might help stabilise the wholesale price of electricity in Germany which has frequently dipped below the production cost of coal-fired power stations in the last few months. On several days power prices have gone severely negative. However much the opponents of fossil fuel may cheer this development, it has had profoundly serious effects on the capacity of electricity generators to fund new electricity generation schemes. The bankruptcy of RWE or E.ON will not solve the climate problem.


Opponents of Power2Gas usually point to the waste of useful energy that is inherent in the two processes of electrolysis and methanation (making methane). Only about 55-60% of the power of the surplus electricity is likely to end up in the form of methane energy. The correct response to this is a) to say ‘so what, it  would have been 100% wasted otherwise’ and b) the waste heat from the two processes and the oxygen derived from electrolysis both have potential value that will reduce the loss from conversion.


Why is the first commercial scale electricity-to-methane project sited at a wastewater treatment plant?


Wastewater treatment plants (sewage farms in ordinary English) take human waste and other organic material and decompose it. One output is a biogas that is part methane and part CO2. The CO2 means it cannot be added to the national gas grid. So the biogas is burnt in a gas engine to generate electricity.

However the CO2 is useful for the methanation stage of Power2Gas. The new technology to be used at Copenhagen puts the entire stream of biogas through a reactor that converts the carbon dioxide, along with the hydrogen from electrolysis, into methane. The output from the process is pure enough to put directly into the gas grid.


The company delivering the technology to the project is Electrochaea, an early stage business developed from research at the University of Chicago, that has selectively breed a type of microorganism (methanogenic archaea) to feed off hydrogen and CO2 to make methane. Electrochaea has completed a pilot plant (1kW) in the US and successfully operated a larger pre-commercial system for much of 2013 at Foulum in Denmark, backed by utilities such as E.ON. The Foulum trial took place using biogas from an anaerobic digester, rather than gas from a sewage farm.


A wastewater treatment plant makes more sense. The surplus oxygen from the electrolysis process can be injected into the waste water to increase the rate of decomposition of the organic materials. The surplus heat from the methanation process can be similarly used to speed up the creation of biogas from the sewage.


Biogas can be stored temporarily at a waste water plant meaning, for example, that the electrolysis may well only take place when electricity prices are low, or perhaps even negative. The plant will also benefit from payments for being available to act as ‘frequency reserve’ to the operator of the national electricity grid. This means it will shut down the electrolysis process when the grid AC frequency drops below a safe level and will increase the electricity it is taking when the frequency is too high


Every wastewater plant in the world will eventually have some form of Power2Gas equipment to upgrade the biogas into methane, using electricity when it is in surplus.


The Copenhagen project


At the wastewater treatment works at Avedøre in Copenhagen, the seven commercial partners will install a 1 MW Power2Gas plant, using the proprietary Electrochaea technology for methanation and electrolysis equipment from the Belgian company Hydrogenics.[1] The plant will be built in early 2015 and will run as a trial for the remainder of 2015. A fully commercial Power2Gas system should be available in 2016.


About half of the €7m cost will be borne by the state-owned Energinet, which operates the gas and electricity grids in Denmark. The rest comes from the other others, including car company Audi. Audi’s interest in this venture, which complements its existing Power2Hydrogen research, arises from its wish to find non-fossil fuel sources for its cars. Liquid methane is a potential fuel for vehicles. Other participants include an energy trader and an operator of biogas plants, both of which would benefit from the success of the Avedøre trial.


The importance of this commercial experiment


Without energy storage, the renewables revolution will fail. Denmark and Germany both know this, not least because of the increasingly obvious impact of wind and solar on the functioning of the electricity market in both countries. But it should also be apparent to other countries that the world will need huge amounts of capacity to store electricity. The companies that create the means to convert surplus power into energy that can then be used when supply is tight will become enormously valuable. They will have solved perhaps the most intractable problem of the conversion to a low carbon world.


The UK has yet to understand this. Electrochaea has made sustained attempts to create a network of partners in the UK. Despite sustained interest from Severn Trent, the water and sewage company, and National Grid, the company told me that ‘nobody  was able to provide the matching equity’ for its proposal for a trial site in central England. Its applications into competitions for grant funding run by DECC and other bodies have been rejected.


As I said in a blog post of last week, spending multiple billions every year on support for existing technologies through schemes such as feed-in tariffs must be matched by financial backing for raw, risky and unconventional technologies that might radically reduce the cost of a full move away from fossil fuels.


I’m not qualified to judge whether Electrochaea’s technology will work but I do know that backing a trial plant in the UK with a few million pounds is an overwhelmingly sensible idea. Isn’t it about time that someone had the courage to invest in companies that could change the energy world for ever?






[1] I believe the 1 MW refers to the energy value of the methane output, which will be substantially less than the electricity used to carry out the electrolysis.

Time to focus on energy research

In the last few days I’ve had the privilege of giving short talks at a conference in Barcelona and to a morning seminar for an offshoot of the Technology Strategy Board in the UK. (Thank you very much to the Spanish ceramic products company ROCA for sponsoring the extremely illuminating Barcelona conversation. And to SNCF for making train travel from London to Barcelona so comfortable and efficient). I wanted to make two central points in these presentations. First, driving down the costs of renewable technologies for electricity generation is going to get increasingly expensive. I suggest it might be better to invest more in R+D and less in subsidy payments for production. By 2020, the UK will be spending at least £7bn a year on direct payments to generators that own wind, solar and other low-carbon sources of power. R+D spending will be less than 5% of this. The balance isn't right.

Second, I wanted to pose a question that I think is being too often ignored: new Chinese nuclear power stations being built with Westinghouse AP1000 technology seem to be costing about $2,000 per kilowatt of power capability. And the US nuclear plants in the middle stages of construction, such as Vogtle 3, also seem very cheap compared to the astronomical sums now quoted for Finnish, French and British plants using Areva’s competing EPR technology. The proposed power station at Hinkley in Somerset is going to cost of the order of four times the price for the Vogtle unit. Why is the UK apparently willing to finance – through loan guarantees and high and fixed prices for electricity - a particular technology that increasingly looks outdated, over-complicated and very difficult to construct?

Let’s look at nuclear power first. The parts of the world that invested heavily in first and second generation nuclear power stations have seen extravagant increases in the construction cost of nuclear power. In France the price doubled between the first nuclear power station and the last. The cost of the new plant now under construction in Normandy is still escalating. But it’s a reasonable prediction that the cost will finally come in at around 6 times the cost (inflation-adjusted, of course) of the pioneer stations of the late 1970s.


French nuclear

If we had the figures for the still uncompleted Olkiluoto EPR reactor in Finland, the numbers would be similar to the Flamanville example. I thought it was amusing that in a recent announcement Areva blamed ‘Finnish lawyers’ for the delay and cost overruns. Finland has about the lowest numbers of lawyers per capita in the EU, Britain has the highest. If Areva cannot cope with Finnish lawyers, we know they are going to be rapidly overwhelmed by their far more numerous and bloodthirsty UK equivalents.

The systematic inflation in nuclear power extends to the US. There most estimates see average nuclear power construction costs more than tripling since the 1960s to around 80% of the projected Flamanville cost. (Please note that the US numbers are in dollars, the French figures in euros).


US Nuclear costs since the 1960s

The consistent and rapid inflation in nuclear costs has dulled observers into an unthinking pessimism. Every time I mention Olkiluoto, eyes roll and experienced commentators simply say that the EPR has added unnecessary complexity in an efforts to demonstrate 100% safety. All the savings from the technological advances of the last sixty years in nuclear power stations have been taken back in the form of enhanced safety features.

(Actually, though this not strictly relevant, it’s worth mentioning that the pioneers of the nuclear power industry in the UK thought it would be possible to make electricity for about 2.5 pence per kWh when writing in 1956.[1] This is about 55p in modern money, or six times what EDF is promised for power produced at Hinkley. So things have actually got better in some ways since the first nuclear power plant was opened at Calder Hall in the mid-fifties).

Does modern nuclear energy have to cost so much? The Chinese example should give us pause. The first new generation plants will be completed this year or early in 2015. Of course we don’t know whether the numbers are strictly comparable, but the cost appears to be about $2,000 per kilowatt of generating capacity. At today’s exchange rate, this means that the new Chinese power stations will cost a quarter of Flamanville’s price. And the Chinese are expecting future plants to come in at 80% of the first reactors. Why aren’t people flying off to Beijing to find out exactly why this is happening? Let’s put this in a UK context. If we could copy China and build nuclear at $1,600 a kilowatt, the cost of switching to low carbon electricity would fall from perhaps £6,000 a household to little more than £1,000. Shouldn’t we be trying to copy Chinese engineers?

As usual, one gets quite a lot of half-baked semi-racism when one asking this question. You hear that the Chinese aren’t sufficiently concerned about safety, either of employees or local people. Or that the Chinese are using forced labour. And so on.

But some people also notice that the reactor design in China is different and, second, that the country’s extraordinary amount of high quality civil engineering in the last decade has also given it unparalleled knowledge of how to pour concrete and forge steel cheaply and well. If I had a role in UK energy policy I would be asking Chinese companies to come here and build nuclear power stations for us. And trying very hard to work out very quickly whether the AP 1000 design is safe and why it appears to be so much cheaper than the EPR model.

The construction of AP 1000 reactors at Vogtle in US state of Georgia started later than the Chinese reactors. So we may not really know what the real cost is. However the plant’s owners are saying that the cost is likely to be $3,100 a kilowatt. That’s nearly twice the Chinese cost but it’s still a huge potential saving over the costs in Finland, France and, in prospect, Britain. Please can we hear from a well-qualified engineer as to why this might so?


New nuclear

Just to make the obvious point, let me stress that the reason that construction costs of nuclear are so important is that the running expenditures are so low. If we can cut the capital costs of new power station, this improvement feeds into dramatic price reductions. Copying the suggested cost of Vogtle in the UK would hugely reduce the subsidy needed for nuclear electricity. My guess is that instead of £92.50 per megawatt at Hinkley we need to offer a price of less than £45 for a reactor built like Vogtle. Chinese costs would reduce the required price even further to well below the costs of fossil fuel power. And, as should be apparent to everybody, if we don’t get low-carbon costs below fossil fuels, we are never going to maintain a global push for decarbonisation. Electorates simply won’t stand for it.

This leads on to the second question I tried to look at my talks. Is it right to drive cost reductions in renewable technologies by use of direct production subsidies that are adding increasing amounts to domestic bills? Or should we be spending more, much more, on fundamental research and development? The argument is this. Broadly speaking, we can achieve cost improvements in any technology either by accumulating production experience (usually called ‘the learning curve’) or by targeting improvements in technology. It is often difficult to disentangle the two phenomena but I still think the distinction is useful. Put another way, should we trying to cut prices by ‘learning by doing’ or by ‘learning by research’?

Governments around the world have backed away from energy research. In the 1970’s administrations that had been frightened by the OPEC oil embargo put big sums into R&D, particularly into nuclear but also into wind. Outside France, that investment largely failed, and failed catastrophically. Energy R&D then plummeted around the world. A decade ago, UK energy research was costing just a few tens of millions a year. (It has gone up somewhat since).

nASA turbine

Instead of research, governments decided to back ‘learning by doing’. They offered production subsidies (now often called Feed In Tariffs) to get investors to put capital into wind, solar and a few other technologies. This, they correctly foresaw, would allow manufacturers and installers to cut costs. The learning curve (which I pedantically call the ‘experience curve’) swung into action as it almost  always does (except in nuclear). As the accumulated volumes of wind turbines that had been built doubled, costs fell by about 14%. The rate of learning for PV looks greater, at about 20%.Experience curve Wind

When I talk about the experience curve, I don’t just mean the cost improvements arising from larger turbines, or bigger factories. For some almost magical reason, costs fall in a reasonably consistent and predictable way just because companies get better at making the turbine. It’s obvious why governments like Feed In Tariffs. Prices do go down without any obvious reason.

Compare this with ‘learning by research’. Put $100m into some crazy new idea for making solar panels and you are 95% likely to fail. Faced with media always eager to locate apparent stupidity, or even corruption, no government minister or senior official will want to back the latest idea coming out of the Oxford Science Park or an automotive supplier in Swindon knowing that she is fairly certain to look really foolish within a year. As a result of bureaucratic risk aversion, direct subsidies are going to cost the UK consumer £3bn this year while government energy research languishes at perhaps 6% of this figure. (To be honest, this estimate is almost guess – nowhere can I find an authoritative estimated of the total budget for government energy R+D is for 2014/15, The DECC documents I have seen are extraordinarily confusing and obfuscatory).

There’s an even more important problem as well. At present the UK government doles out its R&D budget in tiny spoonfuls. It gives £1m to this nascent technology, a few hundred thousand to another, and a generous £3m to a particular favourite. In my view this not just pointless, it is actively counter-productive. Little dollops of cash have a truly awful effect.

I’ll try to explain why this is. Engineers leaving universities or companies with a brilliant idea need money. And government will often provide this, even when venture capital does not. Bodies like the grandiosely named Technology Strategy Board will drip small amounts of cash into many ideas-based companies. It won’t actually be enough to pay for real innovation or commercialisation but it will be just about enough to keep the business alive.

Why is this bad? It means that the talented engineer will stay beavering in his lab night after night hoping to make marginal improvements that can justify the next request for government rations. He works for the government, not for the marketplace. Actually, it would be far better if he failed, went broke and returned to the labour market where he could exercise his (undoubtedly real) skills on another project.

Spreading a hundred million pounds or so a year over perhaps two hundred potential innovators in the UK energy market is a mistake. It would be far better to gamble (and, to be absolutely clear, this is gambling) tens of millions on the technologies that might really make a difference. This is the way it would happen in the States but even there the disastrous experience of backing PV venture Solyndra has chilled the willingness to try to back winners.

But back winners we must, however unfashionable this task seems to be. Without large punts, progress on cost reduction in renewable technologies will slow.

Let’s look at one example of this. What will the iron law of the experience curve do to the cost of wind turbines over the next few years? More precisely, if we do decide to continue to back wind globally, but only by means of production subsidy, we’re reliant on the expected magical cost reduction of 14% for every doubling of accumulated (not yearly) production.

Let’s say we want to cut the cost of wind in half to make it competitive with fossil fuels across the world. If the 14% experience curve continues to operate, we’ll need to expand total accumulated production about eighteen fold. I guess that the world now has about 250 gigawatts of production experience of turbine production. That would mean we’d need 4,500 gigawatts of wind turbines to get down to 50% of the current cost. And this amount is equivalent to almost the entire world generating capacity today.

Following experience

It’s also going to be very expensive indeed. To cut costs by 14% when the world had made 1 gigawatt of wind turbines required another1 gigawatt to be manufactured. To do so now requires 250 gigawatts to come off the production line. And although the subsidy needed has fallen considerably since the days of 1 gigawatt accumulated production, it has probably only declined by five or six fold per unit of capacity. So overall subsidy costs might be fifty times as much.

Of course this is a very generalised argument. In some windy places, including much of the central USA, wind is probably already almost competitive with new gas-fired plants. In other countries, wind will never be a real choice. I just want to make the point that for governments to rely on the experience or learning curve to drive down costs inevitably becomes more and more expensive. By contrast, sponsoring R&D doesn’t cost more as technology advances. It probably costs less.

So my case is simply that whether it be wind, PV, anaerobic digestion, heat pumps, geothermal energy, tidal lagoons or micro-hydro, genuine background R&D must make more and more sense. Intelligently directed in large amounts per idea, it may create large improvements in costs.

I know of three technologies (in wind, PV and AD) that may have the potential to reduce the underlying price of energy by at least 50%. None will come to market through the aid of Feed In Tariffs. All of them need tens of millions of pounds, which may well not be available from commercial sources. A small fraction of the billions now used to subsidise existing technologies needs to be diverted into directly backing companies like these.

But, of course, this is unlikely to happen. The renewable industries, who are so ready to criticise fossil fuel subsidies, are now addicted to their own guaranteed cash streams from government and have growing lobbying power. The genuine innovation that we need is in danger of never happening.








[1] This figure is taken from Calder Hall by Kenneth Jay, Methuen, 1956.

New subsidy scheme likely to lock out large scale PV

Three days ago the government announced the abrupt end of the current subsidy scheme for large scale solar PV farms. From early 2015, no PV installation above 5 MW will be entitled to payments under the Renewable Obligation (RO). The industry was understandably upset but assumed that the next scheme (called Contracts for Difference) would replace the RO. This seems to be very much the wrong impression. Another DECC document, put out on the same day as the subsidy withdrawal, makes clear that under the new scheme, starting in late 2014, solar will have to fight onshore wind and other cheaper technologies for budget. A limited pot will be made available in October for all mature technologies such as wind, energy from waste, PV and sewage gas. These are all grouped together in Group 1 and a solar development will only win funds if it bids for a lower subsidy than these alternatives.

I contacted DECC this morning and it confirmed this. 'Technologies in group 1 will have to compete with each other. This will require projects in those technologies (to) submit bids, which will be assessed on the basis of price'.

In effect, this probably kills stand-alone solar PV in the UK. Although solar has rapidly come down in price, well-located wind farms are likely to be able to substantially underbid PV for the subsidy funds. Furthermore, the indications are that the pot available in late 2014 and beyond for these more mature technologies will be very small. (Partly because offshore wind, a less mature technology in Group 2, will need very much higher levels of subsidy).  Solar PV will be entering a very crowded Dutch auction against better positioned competitors. Perhaps some new PV farms on the south coast will able to match other technologies but the odds of success are not great.

DECC acknowledges the precarious position of stand-alone solar. ‘Solar costs and support are currently higher than other (mature) technologies’ competing for money, it says. It seems happy to see farm-scale PV in the UK die. Its rationale is that solar is being rapidly rolled out elsewhere in the world. The UK can piggy-back on the cost reductions achieved in other countries which will ‘occur largely independently of what the UK does’.

Although DECC says that solar PV will be ‘first large-scale renewable technology to be able to deploy without financial support at some point in the mid-to-late 2020s’ it thinks that the UK should play no part in this global effort. Instead, DECC suggests, the country should play a more aggressive role in developing PV built into roofs and other surfaces, even though these are always likely to be more costly than field solar. (That is until Henry Snaith and his colleagues at Oxford PV start painting buildings).

It has to said that there is some logic in the new DECC stance, however destructive the policy is going to be. But most of us would prefer these policy decisions to be made more explicitly and more consideration given to the companies struggling to compete in what has been an extraordinary success story. The UK was going to be the largest PV market in Europe this year.

The end of big solar will save households one and a half pence per week

Someone installing a large solar farm today is going to earn a subsidy of about £60 per megawatt hour, about 70% of the payment to offshore wind. As costs continue to drop steeply, developers are rushing to put panels on any field they can find. Government has finally woken up to the growth of solar farms and has decided to remove the subsidy for all installations over 5 megawatts, which will cover about 20 acres/8 hectares. In other words, solar has become too successful for its own good. The obvious response to the unexpected (to government, if not to the industry) growth of large scale PV would be to reduce the subsidy to perhaps £50 or even £40 a megawatt hour until the arrival of the new payment mechanism – Contracts for  Difference – in the next  few years. But, panicked by the explosive growth in farm PV, the government has instituted a blanket ban, citing fears of running out of budget. And, probably, it simply couldn't face yet another drawn-out - and probably unsuccessful - process to try to find precisely the right level of subsidy.

As usual, all the interesting reasoning for the decision is to be found in subsidiary documents and not in the verbose tergiversation in the main paper. And here’s the key figure from background papers: the saving from introducing the ban is calculated at £0.75 per household a year in the later part of the decade. (About one and a half pence per week). The total cost across all electricity users is about £70m a year, or about 1% of the total renewables subsidy. For this saving the government is disrupting the growth of this impressively successful industry and, probably more importantly, increasing the likely level of subsidy needed under the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme.

Why is this? The rapid growth of farm PV is helping drive down the costs of solar. When the CfD scheme comes into operation, solar installers will not get a guaranteed price but will bid into an auction. The key value of today’s burgeoning large scale PV industry is that it is forcing costs down rapidly. Surprisingly, the government still doesn’t appear to realise that this only partly because of falling equipment costs. As important, it is coming from unprecedented reductions in the cost of raising money from investors as they become more aware of the reliability of returns from solar. I have heard of offers at around 3% above inflation.

If the government had allowed the continued growth, experienced and well-resourced operators  would have been able to bid even lower prices for big farms when CfDs come into force in a few years. But today’s decision means that the industry will temporarily disappear in early 2015 or earlier and the cost reductions will cease. Capital providers will go on to other projects.

Was this worth it for one and a half pence per household per week? (Just for emphasis, this is their figure, not mine).


Age predicts opposition to onshore wind

Who disapproves of onshore wind? The DECC survey of UK public attitudes that I referred to in the previous post allows us to drill down into the personal characteristics of all those who oppose wind turbines on land. (Thank you to the statisticians for making this possible).  Analysis shows that perhaps the most important predictor of someone’s attitude to wind power is their age: opposition to wind barely registers among the under 45s but then rises sharply. By contrast, whether someone lives in a rural area or a city has little impact. The regular survey of attitudes to energy issues interviewed over 2,000 randomly-selected people in March. Of these, 248 either ‘strongly opposed’ or ‘opposed’ wind turbines on land, about 12% of those involved in the survey. A couple of commenters on this web site couldn’t believe these numbers and suggested that those surveyed were unrepresentative of the UK population. This prompted me to look a little more deeply into the other responses of the interviewees opposed to wind.

First, are those unhappy with wind more likely to be anthropogenic climate change sceptics? Yes, 16% of all those surveyed thought that climate change didn’t exist, or was mainly naturally caused. Among those opposed to wind, the number was over twice as high at about 34%. But this can be put another way; only 24% of those who think that climate change isn’t manmade oppose onshore wind.

Social class has little impact. 11% of ABC1s are opposed to wind turbines on land against 13% of C2DEs. The highest percentage of opponents are among As (23%, but numbers are too small to be relied on) and Es (15%)

Whether someone lives in a large town or city (about three quarters of those in the survey) or in a more rural area (one quarter) is not a particularly good predictor of opposition. 11% of urbanites are anti-wind compared to 15% in the country. The simple view that rural dwellers are against wind turns out not to be really true.

Age does matter. Less than 5% of those under 44 are against onshore wind turbines compared to 25% of those aged over 65. Five-fold differences in a social survey like this are very unusual.

Age groups and onshore wind 8th may 2014

Does anybody know why this is??


While doing this little bit of work, I noticed a surprising anachronism in the data. The percentage of people confident in the existence of man-made climate change has tended to fall. Only 35% of respondents say that climate change is mainly or entirely caused by human activity, down from 38% two years ago. (But almost half believe that climate change is caused ‘partly by natural processes and partly by human activity’ and this percentage has risen).

But despite the growing uncertainty about the anthropogenic source of global warming, far more people now rate climate change as one of the top three problems facing Britain. 22% in the latest wave of research compared to only 10% just two years ago. This is a very striking increase - floods and gales have had an effect.

Those opposed to onshore wind were almost as likely to see climate change as a top 3 challenge as the average respondent. 17% of the anti-wind group were in this camp compared to 22% of all those interviewed. Another surprise?


You might not realise this but support for onshore wind has risen to a new high

DECC has been carrying out a regular survey of attitudes to energy and climate matters since March 2012. Today saw the publication of the latest wave of results. Support for onshore wind was at its highest level: 70% are in favour and only 12% oppose. The 8 page detailed press release announcing the release of the data doesn’t once mention wind - onshore or offshore - and you have to delve into the spreadsheets published today to find this out. The Conservative Party has just announced what is, in effect, a commitment to block further onshore wind after the next election. We can all therefore understand that the rise in support for this renewable technology is embarrassing to ministers. But DECC statisticians should not manipulate official data in order to support the viewpoints of Conservative politicians.

The results of the nine waves of the survey – carried out every quarter for two years are below. The increase between wave 8 and wave 9 is statistically significant (95% confidence). The previous highest level of support for onshore wind was 68%. 

Support for onshore wind v6 April 29th 2014

Support for offshore wind and for solar PV  in the most recent survey also rose by statistically significant amounts to 77% and 85% respectively. Offshore wind recorded its highest ever level of support across the 9 surveys. As with onshore, PV and offshore wind were not referred to in the long and detailed press release.

The percentage of people who support renewable projects in their home area went up to 59% while the percentage opposing fell to 17%. The balance (support less opposition percentages) increased from 36% in 2012 to 42% now. Once again, this is not mentioned. A very disappointing piece of work indeed from DECC.

Community energy financings speeding up in the UK

  Wester Derry

At the beginning of this year I thought the UK might see 25 completed financings of community energy projects in 2014. As the pace of fundraisings increases, this estimate now looks too low.  30-40 might be possible.

Wester Derry turbine is a typical example. A 250kW model will be installed on farmland near Alyth in Angus, north-west of Dundee. Boosted by the continuing availability of EIS tax relief on the investment, prospective investors are given indications that average returns over 25 years will be more than 10%. Investors putting their money in immediately may do better – though their risks will be somewhat greater. In addition, there'll be a yearly payment to local good causes more generous than commercial wind farms.

There’s nothing particularly exceptional about this community financing but it is a useful example of how groups of people anywhere around the country can get to set up their own energy project and earn very decent possible returns. Wester Derry turbine is a simple, efficiently-organised cooperative that can serve as a good model for schemes anywhere in a reasonably windy location around the UK.

The cooperative

The farmers who own the land completed their planning application in 2011. The application was approved, despite some local opposition. Alongside the usual concerns about visual impact, noise and the effect on property prices, opponents often commented that while a turbine generating power for a landowner’s own use was fine, ‘commercial’ developments are inappropriate. Even the people who oppose wind often do so because of unhappiness with profits disappearing to an energy company rather than a root-and-branch hatred of all turbines.

Wester Derry may placate some people who initially opposed the scheme because it is not a conventional commercial project. Aided by Sharenergy, a business that has helped many communities and landowners build renewable energy projects, the landowners set up a cooperative in late 2013 that now seeks to raise £800,000 to erect the turbine before the end of the year.

Most of the community projects currently being financed are established as ‘bencoms’ or, more correctly, Industrial and Provident Societies for the BENefit of the COMmunity. Wester Derry is set up instead as a cooperative. Cooperatives are owned by shareholders (each with one vote, irrespective of the size of their holding) and are less restricted than bencoms in the returns that they can pay to investors. Like Bencoms, they benefit from eligibility for tax relief that is denied to conventional companies. And they can also give part of their income to the local community.

The turbine and its output

A 250kW turbine from German manufacturers WTN will stand 30 metres at hub height on a piece of upland.  WTN has been used by several other recent community ventures.

Output is projected to average about 400 MWh a year, roughly equivalent to the usage of 130 homes. The expected electricity production works out at a capacity factor of about 18%. That is, 400 MWh is about 18% of what the turbine would produce if it were working flat out all year. 18% is quite low for a turbine in Scotland and this is a result of wind speeds averaging around an unexceptional 5.7 metres per second. It’s probably worth noting that we would need almost one million turbines of this size and wind speed to replace all the electricity generation currently needed in the UK

In contrast to the lowish projected output at Wester Derry, the successfully financed community turbine on windy Islay off the west coast of Scotland is projecting a capacity factor of 39%, over twice as much. The average wind speed at the Islay site is over 8.4 metres per second. (The power in the wind is the cube of the speed meaning that quite small differences in wind speed really affect the amount of electricity that can be generated).

The finances of the turbine

The current fundraising is only possible because of the loans made available by Scottish government institutions to help get the project this far. (The same was true on Islay). Getting a community wind project through the planning process and ready to be financed is time-consuming and costly. The Wester Derry project needed a loan worth almost £100,000 from CARES to get to this point. This is about an eighth of the total cost.

In common with most other ventures of this type, investors are offered a relatively low initial return which rises in line with inflation of feed-in tariffs and in power prices. Personally, I think Wester Derry’s prospectus is a little too aggressive in forecasting that the price it can get for its power will rise by 4% a year for the next 20 years but the impact of shaving  this figure to, say, 2.5% would be quite small.

Most financing of wind turbines give average projections for electricity output and a more conservative figure that assumes the turbine produces 90% of that power. Wester Derry uses a more pessimistic assumption of 85%. As the world warms up we cannot be sure that current wind patterns will be maintained and it makes good sense to test whether the finances still work at lower average wind speeds.

Most investors in the turbine will receive tax relief under the EIS scheme. This means that the real cost is 70% of what the shareholder put in. At the expected wind speed (not the more conservative 85% figure) and 2.5% annual inflation in feed-in-tariffs, the annual returns and capital repayments after year 4 will give an investor an average return of 10.4%, weighted towards the later years. (This is what is known as the Internal Rate of Return for the shareholder).

Of course things can wrong. Turbines can break or wind speeds drop. But community offerings of this type can produce decent returns over long periods. I’m not qualified to give advice but these schemes do seem as though they are worth examining as part of a savings portfolio.


The earliest investors in Wester Derry will be putting their money into a more risky venture. Their money will be spent ordering the turbine from Germany and preparing the site. In certain circumstances, the tax rules allow the first £150,000 on money in to the company to attract a 50% tax relief. This means that £1,000 of shares will actually only cost the investor £500. As of 25th April, Wester Derry has almost raised its first £150,000 so investors eager to get the 50% relief would need to act fast.


The Shrewsbury-based firm Sharenergy has helped organised the offer of shares to the community (and to anybody else who might want to invest). The prospectus is simply and clearly written. The offer is well-structured and appealing. Congratulations to Sharenergy and to the Wester Derry board for putting in place this model opportunity.

Energy and Scottish independence

  (Source: withouthotair.blogspot.com)

Every couple of weeks a UK cabinet minister makes a day-trip to Edinburgh to give a speech saying how dreadful Scotland’s future will be if it votes for independence. Accompanied by a repetitive, poorly argued and partisan 101 page document, DECC’s Ed Davey made the hour-long flight north a couple of weeks ago to predict that Scottish energy prices would soar.

The DECC contention is simple. Scotland uses about 10% of UK electricity but produces almost 40% of its renewable power. THese renewables are subsidised to make them competitive with fossil fuel generation. If an independent Scotland continues with its plan to get 100% of its power from renewable sources in 2020, DECC asserts that Scottish people will have to pay for all the extra subsidies that will be required. These payments will no longer be shared across the whole UK. Davey’s figures suggested that householders in Scotland might have to pay as much as £189 more a year.

As usual, the reality is much more complex. Without Scottish wind and hydro power, the remaining UK (R-UK) will generate only about 20% of its electricity from renewables in 2020, barely changed from today’s 16% for the UK as a whole. This means that without Scottish renewables, the UK will miss the binding EU 2020 target of 15% of all energy (not just electricity) coming from low-carbon, non-nuclear sources. To be more precise, the R-UK will hopelessly undershoot this figure. Perhaps this doesn’t matter – the country may not even be part of the EU by then.

What may be more important to the R-UK is that Scottish renewables are cheap. DECC figures show that the 2020 subsidy for a megawatt hour of good Caledonian low carbon electricity will be about £43. For England, the cost will be over twice as much at £93. The reason is that Scottish power predominantly comes from onshore turbines and hydro, which receive relatively little subsidy while English renewable electricity is generated more expensively by offshore turbines and by PV on the roofs of well-heeled Southerners. If Scotland remains in the UK, the whole country can meet its decarbonisation targets far more cheaply than R-UK can on its own.

Another issue is scrupulously avoided by the DECC report: Scotland is a major source of the electricity for the rest of the UK. About 4% of the yearly power consumption of England and Wales is met by exports coming on pylons across the Scottish border. This figure is tending to rise as Scottish renewable power continues to grow faster than in England and as English nuclear plants are closed.  Although Ed Davey talked darkly of cutting Scotland off from the R-UK grid and finding alternatives supplies from more accommodating countries, we lowlanders are reliant on Scottish electricity, particularly at peak time. Despite what he says, England cannot get the power from elsewhere. The links from France and the Netherlands already run hot with imported electricity and have very little surplus capacity. (As I write this, on a warm Monday Bank Holiday when power demand is unusually low, both interconnectors are bringing in electricity – effectively from German PV -  at 100% of their maximum.)

Moreover, Scottish electricity tends to come south at times when demand, and therefore wholesale electricity prices, are high. As the R-UK piles into small-scale solar PV electricity, which arrives on the grid exactly when it is not needed, the need for Scottish wind power on dark December evenings becomes even clearer.

Readers will not find much of this data in the DECC report, so I thought it might be useful if I assembled two tables of numbers. The first looks at how new renewable capacity is expected to come on-stream by 2020 in England + Wales (not N Ireland) and Scotland.

Table 1: 2020 renewables output in England + Wales and Scotland

  England + Wales Scotland
2012 renewables output 25.2 TWh 14.8 TWh
Share of 2012 national consumption, including transmission losses 8% 44%
Expected 2020 figure 56.2 TWh 39.6 TWh
(Add in small-scale renewable power covered by FITs) (1) 6.3 TWh 1.4 TWh
Total expected renewables output 62.5 TWh 41 TWh
Share of 2020 national consumption, including transmission losses. (2) 20% 123% (3)


(1)    Curiously, the DECC paper omits any mention of FITs for PV and wind in England and Wales. But smaller scale PV will be a major user of subsidy by 2020.

(2)    Assumes 2020 demand is equal to 2012 figure.

(3)    DECC says, without providing supporting justification, that Scotland has underestimated its electricity demand. But the numbers on page 53 of this document that other sources in DECC agree with the Holyrood figure.

Table 2: 2020 subsidy cost per megawatt hour of renewable electricity

England + Wales Scotland
2020 subsidy (under ‘Levy Control Formula’)(1) £5,800m £1,800m
Renewable electricity production in 2020 62.5 TWh 41.0 TWh
Subsidy cost per megawatt hour £93 £44



The DECC paper suggests that about two thirds of the increase in Scottish power bills will result from householders being obliged to take on the full cost of all renewables added to the grid after the date of independence. (Which is, of course, not the date of the referendum). I have assumed that 2013/14 subsidy payments made to Scotland generators - often owned by non-Scottish companies – are about £1bn out of the UK total of about £3.2bn. By 2020, this subsidy is expected to rise to about 1.8bn (source: DECC) out of a UK total of £7.6 bn. So the incremental cost of Scottish renewables between the end of 2012 and 2020 is about £800 million a year and the cost per extra MWh of electricity is little more than £30. See Chart 1 below.

These calculations suffer from not using precise figures for 2014/2015 renewable generation in Scotland and England + Wales but I am sure they are directionally accurate. To summarise, they show that Scottish renewables are getting cheaper over time but the reverse is true in England and Wales as the R-UK switches to expensive offshore wind and small scale PV. The subsidy cost of all Scottish renewables in 2020, not just the farms installed after independence, will be about £44 a megawatt hour compared to £93 in England and Wales.

Chart 1: The full subsidy cost of renewables in 2020 and the incremental cost for new generation between 2012 and 2020.

Scotland subsidy final version


Renewable subsidies are the most important reason why DECC says Scottish bills will rise. The other cost DECC identifies is the bill for improving the capacity of the interconnectors between Scotland and England. The intention is that this should rise from about 3.5 GW to around double this amount. This will be needed to help balance the grids of the two countries. But there is no clear argument in the DECC paper, or elsewhere, as to why Scotland, rather than England, should pay for this cost. Why should the seller, not the buyer, pay for the improvement?

Two final points. The DECC argument against Scottish independence has at its heart the assumption that Scotland will suffer financially from its ambition to be (net, over a 12 month year) 100% powered by renewables by 2020. The Department's report wants Scottish voters to worry about the cost of this low-carbon power. But at the same time as publishing DECC frequently asserts the importance of the whole UK’s efforts to decarbonise electricity by 2030. Without near 100% low carbon electricity by 2030, ministers rightly assert, the UK cannot hope to meet its ambitions to cut total emissions from energy (not just electricity) to close to zero by 2050. In essence, the attack on Scotland is therefore unpleasantly hypocritical: Salmond and his government are pilloried for striving to achieve by 2020 what the UK as a whole plans to achieve by 2030, just a decade later.

Writing as someone who believes passionately in the need to get as much low carbon power, including nuclear, onto the grid as soon as possible, I’m acutely disturbed by government ministers warning other countries about their costly ambitions for renewables. As has happened so frequently in the last couple of years, skittish investors will have heard Davey’s speech and asked themselves if his statements presaged another turnaround on financial and legislative support for renewables.

Similarly, although the DECC paper stresses the need to make rational and financially sensible decisions about which renewables to support, nowhere does it acknowledge that onshore wind from the west coast of Scotland is one of the cheapest sources of renewable electricity anywhere on the planet. The R-UK, as the major customer of Scottish wind-generated electricity, really does need continued investment in this source of inexpensive power. Bellicose and patronising words from DECC about finding alternative electricity from other countries do absolutely nothing for the future of the electricity system of the British Isles. Frankly, in the event of Scottish independence, the R-UK needs Scotland more than Scotland needs us.

And, lastly, I do think it strange that a UK minister who has agreed a subsidy for new nuclear power stations in England of over £90 a megawatt hour should hold the Scottish government to account for subsidising its own renewables at less than half this cost - and also achieving binding EU targets that the R-UK will spectacularly miss.



Going green in Cornwall

(This post is by Gage Williams, a regular commenter on this site and a very active entrepreneur in smaller scale green energy) I have to confess to being a Green Geek.  It all started 15 years ago when taking Cornwall, as the first ‘County of the Year’, to the Royal Agricultural Show at Stoneleigh.  One of our four pavilions was dedicated to showing off some of our excellent small renewable energy companies.  Besides getting a great introduction to renewable energy from them, it struck me as strange that none had met each other before and each seemed to know little about the other technologies being exhibited.

After the Show, we decided to set up the Renewable Energy Office for Cornwall (REOC) and for 18 months this was funded with European funds sufficient to employ a chief executive.  When the funds ran out, REOC continued as an informal forum for Cornish renewable energy companies and I remained an unpaid director.

It has been an interesting 15 years and no one could have predicted just how quickly various renewable energy technologies would come down in price and be deployed.  Cornwall, with arguably the best mix of wind, solar, wave, tidal, biomass, hydro and geothermal in the world, has been at the forefront of this energy revolution.  Indeed, in 2013, 25% of all our electricity was generated from renewables within the county.

The generous subsidies introduced for renewable electricity in late 2010 and for renewable heat in 2012 (for non-domestic) and announced on 4 April 2014 for households are a boon especially for those living in rural areas where fuel costs for households are the highest.  They are the highest as much of rural Cornwall is without public transport making car ownership essential and nearly 60% of us are not on mains gas.

My wife and I live in an isolated Grade 2 farmhouse built in 1730.  Not surprisingly, it is poorly insulated and difficult to heat.  We are both self-employed and need to run two medium sized cars – our nearest town is a ten mile round trip.  Our annual energy costs have been horrendous comprising: the two cars do 24,000 miles per year which, according to the AA, costs us £9,600; our electricity £1,400; and our heating £3,200 (oil-fired, 4,000 litres plus servicing) and hot water £600 (electric immersion).  The total annual cost was £14,800.

We took the following action:

1.      Solar PV.  In March 2012, we installed 3.8kWp of ground-mounted solar PV (20 panels which can now be used as a wood store) in the garden.  They could otherwise have made a superb chicken house. 2.        This cost £6,000 and generates 3,200 kWh per year all of which we use (today, this might cost £4,000).  We got the first Feed-in-Tariff of just over 40p/kWh and Ofgem assumes that we export 50% of the output to the grid at about 5p/kWh.  In the last 12 months, the FIT and export has paid us £1,500 and the used electricity that would have cost 18p/kWh has saved us £580 for a total benefit of £2,080.  This is income tax free (had I paid for the electricity, it would have been from taxed income).  As a basic rate taxpayer (20%), when grossed up this was worth £2,600 over the past 12 months.  Further, this annual income is RPI linked and guaranteed for 25 years. 3.      Oil-Fired Aga.  We exchanged our 1963 oil-fired  Aga for an electric Aga that uses Economy 7 cheap electricity (7p/kWh) at night.  We run the Aga for 30 weeks a year.  The old Aga used 1,500 litres of oil and needed two services a year costing £1,200 a year.  The new Aga uses £2 worth of electricity per night for £400 and does not need a service – a saving from what would have been taxed income of £800 which is worth £1,000 per year when grossed up.  The Aga swap cost £9,000.

4.      Wood-Pellet Biomass Boiler.  Our 20 year old oil-fired boiler badly needed to be replaced.  A replacement with an upgrade of our ineffective radiators would have cost £6,000.  In April 2013, we replaced the boiler with a 35kW Austrian SolarFocus wood-pellet boiler costing £23,000.  We received a Renewable Heat Home Incentive (RHHI) grant of £3,700 (repayable over 7 years) and avoided the £6,000 cost of replacing the oil-fired boiler.  The net cost was £13,300.  Because the house is Grade 2 Listed, we cannot install double glazing or outside wall lagging and hence the Green Deal Assessor gave us an EPC rating that estimated a heating requirement of 40,000 kWh per year.  The RHI Feed-in-Tariff for a wood pellet boiler is 12.2p/kWh RPI linked for seven years.  In Year 1, starting on 1 April 2014, we will receive an RHI payment of 40,000 x £0.122 or £4,880 less one seventh of the £3,700 grant leaving £4,350.  The wood-pellet costs £260 per tonne and we have needed 8 tonnes in the first year for £2,080.  The 4,000 litres of oil used to cost £3,200, so there is a net saving of £1,120.  The total benefit is £5,470 which, when grossed up, is worth £6,840 RPI linked for seven years.  The boiler should pay for itself in two years.

5.      All Electric iOn Peugeot Car.  We have just exchanged my wife’s car for a £13,500 Peugeot iOn car which has a range of 82 miles.  We worked out that as a two car family, most of our journeys were well within this 82 mile range and we expect to use the car for about 15,000 of the 24,000 miles per year that between us we drive.  We recharge the car at night-time using our Economy 7.  A full charge is 16kWh costing at 7p/kWh just £1.12 for 82 miles which works out at 1.36p/mile.  Remarkably, the car does five miles to the kWh demonstrating the inefficiency of the combustion engine.  Over 15,000 miles, we will use just £205.  My wife’s old car used to do 40 miles to the gallon and a gallon now costs £6.00.  Over 15,000 miles, she would have used 375 gallons costing £2,250.  We will therefore save £2,045 in the first year that would have been paid from taxed income.  In addition, there is no road tax (£150) and the insurance is £100 less than for her old car.  When grossed up, this saving is worth £2,870.  The Government is installing recharging points for free and there will soon be a good network.  The fastest recharging points can give us 65 miles range in just 20 minutes.


Adding the above measures together comes to a grossed up benefit of £13,310 in the first year most of which is RPI linked either for 25 years or for seven years.  The cost of doing all of the above, without including the cost of the car which was swapped for my wife’s old car, is £28,300.

You could argue that the capital cost is also taken from taxed income, in which case the £13,310 when ‘grossed down’ is worth just £10,648 which still gives a Year 1 Return on Investment of 38%.  Currently, my bank is offering loans at 4.7% interest over five years that would cost £5,800 per year if the £28,300 had been borrowed leaving £4,848 in profit over the first of five years repayments – well within the Green Deal’s ‘Golden Rule’ whereby any energy efficiency measures must at least pay the interest on the loan required to install them.

At the end of the day, we at last have a warm dry house and a cheap means of getting about the county for the 90% or so of journeys that are within the range of a nippy electric car that is ideally suited for Cornish lanes..

Wind power's effect on German electricity prices

Germany’s large amount of wind and solar power gives us a clue of what will eventually happen to UK energy markets. With over 60 gigawatts of capacity from wind and sun renewables can provide a large fraction of German electricity needs across the year. A windy week cuts average power prices nearly in half. The chart below shows how the average day-ahead power price in Germany fluctuated during the thirteen weeks of January, February and March. The weekly cost of wholesale electricity has been as high as €45 a MWh and as low as €25. (These figures are well below the equivalent UK figures, which averaged about €60 during the period).

The variation in wholesale price has been driven by changes in the average percentage of electricity provided by wind and solar during the week. This has swung between 8 and 27% of  electricity supply over the three month period.  Peak wind weeks have been associated with average power prices well under €30.

A CCGT power station needs to spend €30 just on fuel to generate a megawatt hour. The downward price pressure imposed by wind is making gas generation particularly unprofitable.The first three months of 2014 have shown just how destructive wind and solar can be to the finances of traditional power sources. Even nuclear power stations, which cost no more than €10 a MWh to operate, have been affected.

German power prices Weeks 1-13 2014

(Original data from the wonderful people at www.ise.fraunhofer.de)

During the first quarter of the year power prices went close to zero at some point during almost all Sundays, when power demand is at its lowest. On two days, Sunday 16th February and Sunday 16th March, prices fell to minus €50 for several hours. These negative prices arose because of forecasting errors of 2 and 3 GW. In the context of available wind generation capacity of more than 30 GW, these numbers are not large: errors of more than 1 GW are not uncommon in the UK which has about a quarter as much wind power as Germany. Power prices in countries with large amounts of variable renewable capacity are becoming hugely sensitive to unexpected small changes in electricity production.

PV on 22,000 schools

staffs sunny schoolsThe government’s new plan for solar wants the south facing roofs of public buildings covered with PV panels as quickly as possible. The 22,000 schools in England and Wales are a particular target. Two communities are currently raising money for schools in their area. Staffordshire Sunny Schools  is raising about £1m to put an average of 40 kW of panels on 25 primary schools. Plymouth Energy Community is looking for £0.5m to match a loan from the local council that will see PV installed on about the same number of schools.  The two schemes are both proposing investor returns of about 5-6%, as well as discounted electricity for the schools and large amounts of cash devoted to local energy efficiency schemes. Both these companies will happily accept investors from outside their area.

Staffordshire and Plymouth will benefit from EIS eligibility, meaning that taxpaying investors will get 30% back in reduced income tax bills. EIS also avoids inheritance tax, which may be a worthwhile additional benefit for investments that will deliver value for the 20 year period of feed-in tariffs.

Other schemes, such as Oxford North Community Renewables, have also recently succeeded in raising money for school solar through funding of a ‘Community Benefit’ company funded by small investors, mostly from the local area. Crowdfunder Abundance Generation's solar schools offer will open within a few weeks. Meanwhile the emissions-reduction action group 10:10 continues with its pathbreaking 'Solar Schools' scheme, which encourages charitable giving to fund PV. Indeed the government's new enthusiasm for PV on school roofs seems to owe much to the hugely successful efforts of 10:10 over the last two years.

I’m not competent to recommend these or any other community energy schemes. However the economics for Staffordshire and Plymouth look perfectly solid: £1,000 of PV panels will generate feed-in tariff income of about £120 a year, meaning that investors will get about half of the subsidy revenue. There's plenty of cash available to fund the costs of running the business as well as channelling money into local fuel poverty projects.

The Staffordshire scheme sent me some comments from the headteacher of one of the schools in the area that has already had panels installed. Anybody looking to make investments with social value as well as a reasonable financial return might be interested in these remarks.

Paul Moon, Millfield County Primary School Head Teacher 

How I teach

Fitted about six months ago, our school’s solar panels are already having a wide-ranging educational impact on several aspects of the curriculum, including science, maths and geography. Solar is a practical and local way into a complex range of inputs with an output at the end of its cycle.

There were learning messages from the start including: is this offer best value? In assemblies, we explained in age-appropriate ways how solar energy works and its benefits. For example, as an Silver Eco School, generating our own electricity could help us get to Gold. 

I first heard about the Sunny Staffordshire Schools project from Staffordshire County Council’s sustainability team: funded by in part by community shares, Generation Community was offering solar panels for 25 schools, gratis. We were selected as a pilot, and the solar panels were installed over half-term in October 2013.

We wanted the children to see the practical benefits, and our site supervisor suggested using the ITC suite as the focus. With 32 computers and air conditioning, it is the single most intense user of energy. 

We use known ways of scientific change, such as the water cycle, to show how solar works. Every time a child switches on a computer, they get a physical indication of how they are powering their own ITC suite with electricity generated from the sun.

We deliberately sited the visual display panel in the main corridor at a user-friendly height for the children. They are surprised to see the panel working even on a dull day. This leads to an exploration around the science of heat, light, greenhouse gases and atmosphere. Although the depth of understanding varies with age, the children understand we are reducing greenhouse gases whilst also saving money.

The solar panels also lead us to explore maths and economics. We generate more than we need for our ITC suite, and sell the surplus into the national grid. The solar panels feature in our school’s enterprise project - we are now energy producers, traders and sellers. We can calculate how much electricity is generated, used, and how much is left to trade. 

Since the panels were fitted, our electricity usage has gone down, but the price per kwh has gone up in some cases. This leads to: what makes a fair measurement? We have generated almost 3,000 units from sunlight, and can start plotting graphs over a set period. We are constantly refining the way the panels can be used educationally.

Already the solar panels meet several national curriculum objectives. In history, we can investigate Staffordshire’s former coal mines and explore our growing use of nuclear power and imported gas. In geography, we can look at where electricity is stored, how it travels, and where the surplus goes. This gets us into surges in demand for electricity peaks and flows, and different seasonal and activity uses.

Children are very interested in green issues; for instance younger ones are aware of the benefits of recycling. Key Stage 2 children are increasingly knowledgeable about the need to carefully manage the world’s finite resource, realising how important it is to look after what we have and to invest in new technologies for the future. 


More half-truths from REF

The Renewable Energy Foundation, an anti-wind body, has complained again about payments made to wind farms when the National Grid is facing an inability to ensure that all wind electricity can be used. In March 2014, the Grid made payments of about £8.7m to wind operators. REF portrays this as part of a ‘steadily increasing trend’.

It may be useful to throw some extra facts into the ring.

a)      During March 2014, wind supplied about 2 TWh of the UK’s total need for electricity. The percentage of total wind output that was not used was about 5%. This was a high figure for the UK: for the first quarter of 2014 as a whole, the figure is about 1.2%. January and February saw constraint payments for wind output of approximately 0.5% of the electricity generated.

b)      There is no ‘steadily increasing trend’ over time. March was relatively high, February very low. (And February’s wind power output was one of the highest ever monthly figures). In the four most recent six month periods recorded by the National Grid, the percentages have been 1.4%, 2.1%,0.9% and 0.3%. (These figures are from April 2011 to March 2013).

c)       REF complains about industry behaviour, saying it charges too much money for agreeing to curtail output. The average charge was about £80 per MWh in March, well down on typical figures for previous years. And REF may not be aware that National Grid payments for curtailment are usually the outcome of auctions. The price isn’t set by the wind farm operators.

d)      Lastly, REF ignores the real problem, which isn’t the wickedness of farm operators or the fickleness of the wind. It’s the lack of reinforcement on the pylon lines from NW Scotland. But by late 2015 the improved line from Beauly to Denny will remove much of the constraint on wind farm output in northern Scotland. In the meantime, probably including last month, the continuing construction work on the line (which already carries electricity), means that more curtailment than usual needs to take place.

As always, the UK is coping well with the variable nature of wind power and curtailment costs add very little to the average bill. My estimate is that wind curtailment has cost a domestic customer about 25p a year.

Ofgem hands the chalice to the Competition and Markets Authority

Ofgem has asked the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to review the workings of the UK energy market. As a result, we’re now in for three to six years of investigations, draft decisions and endless appeals. The energy firms will spend £10m a year on City lawyers contesting every single paragraph that the CMA produces and little will eventually change. Regulatory processes in the UK stink. Let’s look on the bright side. The document setting out the reasons for Ofgem decision is really clear, well-written and comprehensive. But it’s 120 pages long. So here are some of the most striking factoids that back up Ofgem's conclusion that the Big Six aren't competing effectively in supplying domestic customers.

In summary, Ofgem said that it had evidence of four different problems with the working of competition

a) For some customers, including those in vulnerable groups, the individual companies had the power to hold prices too high, particularly in the regions of the country in which they used to be the local electricity monopolist

b) Many features of the market make it possible for the Big Six to 'coordinate' their price changes. This has allowed the companies to increase prices more than would normally be possible in a truly competitive market. This problem, Ofgem alleges, is getting worse as the amount of switching between suppliers falls. Prices rise faster than they come down in response to changes in costs. No illegality is suggested: 'coordination' is not outside the law if it is done without any form of direct communication between companies. Ofcom is at pains to say it has found no evidence of any form of illegal price rigging.)

c) Although smaller entrants have made headway in the last year, they don't threaten the dominance of the big companies. This dominance is exacerbated by several features of the electricity market, including the relatively small amounts of electricity trading and by the 'self-supply' of the vertically integrated Big Six.

d) The growing discontent with the electricity and gas companies is causing consumers to disengage from switching between suppliers or actively looking for better deals. This is bad for competition.


  1. Average dual fuel prices increased by 24% between 2009 and 2013 compared to a 14% rise in the CPI. Average energy use per home has fallen, meaning that expenditure on electricity and gas has only risen slightly faster than inflation. (1.1 and 1.2)
  2. The cost of wholesale gas and electricity used to service the average dual fuel customer fell by 5% between 2009 and 2012. (Figure 1)
  3. The total earnings (EBIT) of the Big Six, including profits from generation, supply to businesses and supply to homes, rose from £3.1bn in 2009 to £3.7bn in 2012. Generation profits fell, as did business supply.
  4. Profits made from domestic customers more than compensated for this rise by increasing five fold from £233m to £1,190m over the four year period.(Figure 2)
  5. Overall, the generation businesses of the Big Six just about covered their costs of capital. (6.79)
  6. At the level of the individual customer, the average retail margin before operating costs to a Big Six supplier from a dual fuel account approached £300 in 2013 having been almost nothing at the end of 2005. (Figure 36). This is in addition to generation profits, of course.
  7. Margins for domestic electricity fell from 2009 to 2012 from 2.2% to 1.8%. Gas supply margins rose sharply from -0.3% to 6.7% over the period. (1.6)
  8. Some suppliers contend that an overall 5% return from domestic customers is a ‘fair’ margin. Ofcom found no evidence to support this. (1.8)

Evidence for suppliers having the power to charge more in regions where they are in a strong position (‘unilateral power’)

  1. Market shares for incumbent electricity suppliers (companies that used to have regional monopolies before privatisation) are materially higher in their home regions. Centrica, which had a nationwide monopoly of gas supply still has a 40% share of domestic gas sales. (1.10) 37% of electricity customers are with their incumbent suppliers (4.5)
  2. On average, 48% of the customer base of a Big Six electricity supplier is in its home (incumbent) region. (4.18). For single fuel electricity customers this number is even higher at 69% (4.20)
  3. Incumbent customers generally switch less (4.5) The figure is about a quarter of the level of non-incumbent customers (Figure 23). This gives the suppliers the ability to force up prices disproportionately in their home regions. (So called ‘unilateral’ power)
  4. ‘Suppliers are able to segment their customer base, and charge different groups of customers different prices for what is essentially the same product’. Non-switching, or ‘sticky’ customers pay more partly because they tend to be on single fuel tariffs.
  5. On average, single fuel incumbent customers pay £40 a year more than if they shopped around for electricity or gas from another supplier.
  6. Crucially, therefore, Ofgem finds ‘these price differentials to be consistent with suppliers having a degree of unilateral power’. (4.29)
  7. New, non-Big Six, suppliers now have over 5% of both the gas and the electricity markets up over 2 percentage points since early 2013. However ‘it is unclear that any existing supplier will achieve sufficient scale in the near term to act as a disruptive constraint’. (1.11)

The Big Six are tending to converge and ‘tacitly coordinate’ their price changes.

  1. Switching rates have shown a strongly falling trend since 2008, despite persistent price differentials. (1.12). The rates of switching among the Big Six are tending to converge. (4.55). Retail margins are also tending to converge. (4.57). Taken together, this evidence is consistent with ‘tacit collusion’, a legal form of diminishing competition and a second reason, after ‘unilateral’ power why the market seems not be to working well.
  2. Average retail prices among the Big Six are increasingly tracking each other. (Figures 31 and 32). This is also a feature of a market with tacit collusion or coordination.
  3. Price changes have become more similar in size over time among different suppliers (4.68).
  4. These features of the market push Ofgem to say that the evidence suggests that tacit collusion may be becoming more effective over time (4.62)
  5. Ofgem thinks that the evidence for tacit collusion is reasonably strong. The large suppliers announce price changes around the same time and of a similar magnitude. Profitability of domestic supply has risen for all large suppliers and supply margins have converged.
  6. The intensity of competition for domestic customers is falling. (4.11)

Prices go up faster than they come down

  1. Large suppliers raise prices rapidly when costs are increasing, and cut them slowly when costs are falling. (1.28)
  2. More specifically, ‘we found that suppliers do not adjust their prices as quickly when costs come fall compared to when wholesale costs rise. We ran this analysis using a number of different model specifications all of which showed this asymmetry.’ (4.86)

Switching behaviour is increasingly ineffective at constraining the big suppliers.

  1. 62% of customers could not recall ever having switched supplier. (1.13) Another 14-16% have only switched once. (3.17)
  2. One in ten of all consumers are not aware that it is possible to switch supplier. (1.43) The DE social group figure is 21% and the number for ‘Black and Ethnic Minority Groups’ is 39% (3.8)
  3. A 2013 survey suggested that 43% of customers do not trust energy companies to be open and transparent, up 4 points from 2012. Ofgen considers this to be ‘an extremely high figure’ for an essential service. (Para 1.16)
  4. Ofgem says that the market is highly segmented. Many customers are non-switchers and this segment of the market faces persistently higher prices. At the other extreme, customers who manage their accounts online, pay by direct debit and buy fixed price deals do better. Because the new suppliers are obliged to focus on this segment, their profitability is inherently lower. (This last sentence is my inference from 1.17)
  5. Ofgem says that competition for domestic customers isn’t working properly. It points to the existence of the persistently non-switching segment, who are systematically charged more and three other factors. These are ‘tacit coordination’, barriers to entry and expansion and weak customer pressure.   (1.20)
  6. Typical single fuel customers would benefit by £100 by switching to the best priced single fuel tariff. But the average customer requires a saving of at least this amount before she/he thinks it is worthwhile.
  7. Ofgem found a price difference of £250 between the average ‘incumbent’ single fuel tariffs and the best online dual fuel direct debit tariff offered by small suppliers (1.25)
  8. 62% of people think there are too many tariffs available. 54% said that they understood their options ‘not very much’ or ‘not at all’. (1.44)
  9. 26% of those switching in the year to April 2012 would not do so again. (1.45)
  10. Only about 20% of customers are on fixed term tariffs. (2.11)
  11. Customers are ‘bewildered’ and feel ‘disempowered’ by the choice of tariffs. (3.12) ‘If consumers cannot easily or effectively compare… products … this may allow firms to exercise market power (3.9)
  12. Language experts hired by Ofgem concluded that a lack of clear communications and standardised language compounds the belief among consumers that the energy market is confusing. (3.14)
  13. Switching rates are falling and switching behaviour is increasingly concentrated in a limited, better off subgroup. Vulnerable consumers are ‘disproportionately’ likely to never switch.

Vertical integration is harming competition by restraining new entrants

  1. Vertical integration is a key feature of the UK market. The Big Six own 70% of electricity generation capacity. (1.36) This is double what it was in 2000 (5.58)
  2. Vertical integration makes entry and expansion difficult, partly because it means that the wholesale market for electricity is not liquid and neither does it enable long-term hedging of prices (that is, new entrants find it difficult or expensive to buy in advance the electricity they need for future months and years).
  3. Trading in the UK electricity market has fallen substantially in the last decade. The average unit of electricity was traded 7 times before delivery in 2002 and only 3 times in 2013. These later figure is much lower than in Germany, which has an even more concentrated retail supply market. (5.26, 5.27)
  4. Furthermore new entrants are unable to fund the high capital requirements to become fully effective participants in the buying and selling of energy.
  5. Ofgem concludes that it is ‘concerned that vertical integration may have a detrimental effect on competition by imposing barriers to entry and expansion and by reducing liquidity in the wholesale market’. (5.92)

Other findings pushing Ofgem into thinking a full competition investigation is required

  1. Satisfaction with suppliers has gone down 12 percentage points to 52% in the last five years.
  2. Customer complaints are rising, sharply in the case of some suppliers. Complaints are up 50% since 2011. (3.21)
  3. 18% ‘completely distrusted’ energy suppliers in 2013, up from 13% in 2012. (3.22)
  4. The numbers saying that they are not switching because they are happy with their current supplier was 55% in 2013 compared to 78% in the previous year. (Figure 14)
  5. The time taken by industry participants to organise a switch of supplier is now five weeks though the suppliers have committed to cutting this by a half within a year. (3.44)
  6. Ofgem says that some companies have looked at entering the energy supply business put have been put off by the risk to their wider reputations from being involved in an industry with severe customer relations problems.

The Ofgem document is a fine piece of work and a model of clarity and terse argument. Congratulations to the people who wrote it.

Cool Planet: the most plausible producer of cellulose-based fuels yet

  Cool Planet's core technologies

Nature had a recent article on the poor health of advanced biofuels companies in the US. Entitled ‘Cellulosic  ethanol fights for life’, the author took particular aim at the new Abengoa refinery in Kansas that uses enzymes to break up the complex cellulose molecule into sugars that can then be fermented into ethanol.

The Abengoa plant was expensive to build, is one mile square in size and probably produces ethanol from cellulose at a cost that makes it uncompetitive with first generation corn ethanol plants. Nature may have been right to be gloomy about its prospects.

But this doesn’t mean that all the companies intending to make fuels from cellulose – the most abundant organic molecule in the world – suffer from similar problems. Actually, 2014 may see greater advances in the production of low-carbon biofuels than ever before. After nearly a decade of failure, it looks increasingly likely that cellulose will eventually become a useful source of transport fuels around the world. Although Abengoa may have built a refinery that embodies a technological dead-end, others such as the extraordinary Cool Planet, may show that low-value plant matter is capable of being turned into fuel that can compete on price with fossil fuels. And Cool Planet is also turning out large volumes of biochar as a by-product. I think this is one of the most interesting companies in the world.

Five years ago I published a book about the technologies that I thought would help the world wean itself off fossil fuels. Of course I was almost ridiculously optimistic (except about solar PV, where I was too conservative) and many of the low carbon energy sources I wrote – such as power from the flow of the tides - about have made strikingly slow progress.

Another one of the chapters was about using cellulose molecules to create motor fuels. I was at pains to distinguish cellulose-based petrol from the first generation biofuel plants that break down the simple starches in grain to make ethanol. As is now well understood, using foodstuffs to make fuel for cars is a terrible diversion of valuable calories. Moreover, the typical human needs about 2 kWh of food a day but her car might consume ten or twenty times this amount of energy. Turning maize or wheat into motor fuel can never be a real solution to the need for low-carbon travel.

But cellulose could be different, I suggested. It is everywhere. Leaves, grasses and stalks are largely made from it and it provides the soft structure for a plant’s energy capture and conversion systems. (Lignin is the dominant molecule in woody biomass). Cellulose is composed of long chains of strongly linked sugar molecules which cannot be broken down by humans. Some plant eating animals, such as cows, house useful bacteria in their stomachs that exude enzymes that can chop up cellulose into much simpler molecules. But the vast bulk of the world’s cellulose production is wasted, eventually rotting away and giving up carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Since I wrote the book in 2008 many companies have tried to find ways of breaking up cellulose from organic sources such as wood chip or maize stalks. Many have mimicked grass eating animals by using enzymes and applying gentle heat to break up these intractable molecules. Once they’ve got a soup of simpler chains of atoms using these enzymes they use fermentation to turn starches into ethanol (a product we usually call alcohol).  Most have failed, at considerable cost to their investors including the most important backer, Vinod Khosla. The last few weeks have seen KiOR, one of Khosla’s many investments and one of the few companies actually to build a working refinery, announce it wasn’t certain it could continue. Without more money from Khosla or co-investor Bill Gates, the company would run out of cash because its plant hasn’t been able to produce as much ethanol as it expected or the purity of fuel it needs.

So what’s different about Cool Planet and the other new companies working to get motor fuels out of biomass? The main change is that many of these companies are intending to use pyrolysis, the process of heating biomass in the absence of air, instead of breaking cellulose up using enzymes and then fermentation. When biomass is heated to several hundred degrees during pyrolysis, its molecules break up into simpler hydrocarbons which are then driven off in the form of gas. As they cool, these hydrocarbons become oily liquids, often called bio-oil. What remains at the end of pyrolysis, provided the temperature has been high enough, is a fairly pure carbon charcoal. Or ‘biochar’ to its growing band of enthusiastic followers.

Cool Planet’s patent documents show that the company’s approach is to slice wood or other biomass into very thin strips which then subjected to pyrolysis at higher and higher temperatures in separate chambers. It’s as though a wood chip is moved from a cool oven to increasingly hot ones over a short period. The rising temperatures in each sequential oven drive off a different gas in each case. This has the crucial advantage of ensuring that the Cool Planet biorefinery can capture a pure stream of gas that cools to a distinct oil at each point in the process. In this respect, it is similar to a conventional oil refinery, which distils various oils into different streams, with petrol usually being a key output alongside diesel and aviation fuel. This is presumably why it calls its central process 'fractionation'.

The Cool Planet approach has the crucial advantage of creating separate streams of oils. Older pyrolysis processes produce a mixture of various different oils and other chemicals that have relatively little value as motor fuels. Cool Planet’s trial refinery in California is said to produce oils, such as gasoline, that are chemically indistinguishable from fossil equivalents. One story told by the company is that tests by a sceptical oil company were only able to say it wasn’t a fossil fuel by the use of carbon dating. The cellulose was new, whereas oil is often hundreds of millions of years old.

It’s particularly important to note that Cool Planet and some of its recently formed competitors are seeking to produce a true drop-in replacement for petrol/gasoline. It fuels are chemically identical to what comes out of conventional oil refineries. They are not following the earlier cellulose processors in trying to make ethanol, which is a fuel that can be added to fuel but which modern engines cannot usually accept in high concentrations. (Of course Henry Ford initially believed that plant-derived ethanol was a better fuel for cars but modern engines have been adapted to burn fossil fuels).

After experimenting with its prototype in California for several years, Cool Planet has just broken the ground for a full sized refinery in Louisiana. When I say ‘full-sized’, I mean a plant of perhaps a hundredth or less of the output of a conventional oil refinery. 200 million litres a year is the target production starting late in 2014. What will also come out is a huge amount of residual biochar, dwarfing the current world production of this valuable soil enhancer. Not unexpectedly, the company is trying to get rapid endorsement of the value of biochar in improving agricultural yields. (Earlier articles on this website talk enthusiastically about the potential usefulness of biochar, and another chapter of my 2008 book also lauds its importance, perhaps a little too uncritically).

All companies trying to convert biomass into useful oils bandy figures around about the low cost of cellulosic-based oils. Most have been absurdly optimistic. Nevertheless Cool Planet doesn’t hesitate to join in, offering estimates as low as 20p a litre, or about a third of current petrol prices excluding UK tax. Its biomass sources, initially intended to be trees from Colorado that have been destroyed by beetle infestations, are cheap but the crucial reason for its lower cost than first generation cellulose fuels is probably the relative simplicity of the refinery.

The value of the biochar – trading at up to £4 a kilo in small quantities on UK websites - will help improve the economics of the process, perhaps by a large amount. In some interviews, company executives seem more taken by the value of the char than they are of the oils. They also proudly boast of the carbon negative fuels that their refineries will produce; biochar lasts for hundreds of years in soil, this storing carbon that would otherwise have rotted into CO2 or methane.

Cool Planet envisages hundreds of small refineries around the US, gobbling up local biomass surpluses, whether of dead trees or otherwise useless agricultural wastes. The capital costs of the first Louisana refinery are around 25p per litre of annual output. Executives talk of cutting this in half within a few years. These are really impressive numbers, if true. Other investors in places like Malaysia are licencing the rights to the intellectual property in order to build their own refineries.

Is this all another fantasy, like so much of the renewable fuels experiment has proved to be? Of course I don’t know but something about this company looks profoundly convincing. Investors include Google, BP, the forward looking US electricity company NRG, GE and several other sceptical corporations. The team is strong and the detailed and meticulous research behind its refineries seems robust. The four key patents, although extremely widely drawn, have a simple plausibility about them. I think this will work.


Maize in anaerobic digesters: Is Monbiot right?

  George Monbiot points his critical attention to the increasing use of food crops in the UK’s anaerobic digesters (AD). These huge green cylinders, usually on farms, take organic matter, expose it to bugs that have excrete enzymes that eat cellulose and starch in the absence of air. The bugs produce a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide as an output. This ‘biogas’ that comes out of AD plants is burnt in an engine to produce electricity.

Many digesters use the human waste from water treatment plants or from animal slurry while others take waste from food factories or from doorstep collections. But increasing number of AD plants are using maize and other food crops because the simple starches in these ingredients break down very well, creating more cubic metres of  valuable methane gas than, for example, the more complex molecules in cow manure. Many UK AD plants – built to digest municipal waste, for example – are now boosting their yields by mixing in maize that would otherwise have been used as food for animals or people.

Does it make sense in energy terms to grow maize (or even wheat) as a feedstock for a digester? No. The energy value of the methane that is produced in an AD plant, converted into electricity via a gas engine, is about 0.4 megawatt hours per tonne. This is approximately a tenth as much as the calorific value of maize to a human being.

This isn’t the whole story, since the digestate left behind after the energy has been extracted in an AD plant does have some value as a replacement fertiliser when it is reapplied to the fields. Nevertheless, putting maize into an AD plant to make energy involves a huge loss of calorific value. And the climate change implications also need considering: as well as the energy used in the Haber Bosch process the high levels of nitrogen fertiliser used on maize land produce large amounts of nitrous oxide, a powerful warming gas.

Monbiot has also recently shown the other cost of growing maize for AD: land used for maize has low water retention capacity in winter. The recent floods on the Somerset  Levels were exacerbated by the large areas of adjacent land given over to maize. If, instead, these hectares had been planted with short rotation coppice, such as hazel or willow, more water would have been stored in the soil. And, second, the energy value of the harvested wood, converted into pellets for use in domestic wood burners would have been about twice as great as the energy captured from the same area given over to maize for anaerobic digestion.

There are no good arguments for using productive food land for maize that is then pumped into an AD plant. (AD plants may get more effective at conversion of cellulose in the future and this might affect the universality of this assertion).

My calculations are as follows. (Comments *very* welcome indeed).

Maize in AD

(Figures taken from Farmers’ Guardian and used by Monbiot in the other Guardian).


Raw material needed by an AD plant creating 1 MW of electricity 20,000 tonnes of maize a year*
Annual electricity production from a 1 MW plant operating 8,000 hours a year 8,000 megawatt hours a year
Therefore, electricity output per tonne of maize 0.4 megawatt hours
Calorific value of maize in human diet per tonne About 4 megawatt hours
Food value compared to electricity production value Therefore maize’s food value is about 10 times its value in an AD plant

*Farmers’ Guardian says ’20,000-25,000 tonnes’ needed


Maize versus short rotation coppice

Energy value of electricity per hectare generated by maize in AD plant 17.8 MWh**
Tonnes of SRC per hectare (oven dried equivalent)*** 10 tonnes
Energy value of SRC per tonne 4.5 MWh
Efficiency if burnt in a biomass pellet stove in a domestic/small commercial property 80%
Usable energy value per hectare of SRC 36 MWh
Energy value of SRC versus maize digested in an AD plant Therefore SRC (36 MWh) about twice as good as maize (17.8 MWh) per hectare

** Farmers’ Guardian says 450 hectares produces 20000 tonnes of maize that is enough to provide the fuel for a 1 MW plant (therefore about 8,000 MWh per year).

*** To get this yield requires good husbandry but would be perfectly possible on the Somerset Levels.

The Salford Energy House shows the precise benefit of solid wall insulation

energy houseThe Salford Energy House is a remarkable laboratory. A reconstructed 1919 end-of-terrace dwelling, it sits within a completely insulated warehouse on the university campus . External temperatures can be precisely adjusted. Simulated rain falls from the ceiling onto the roof of the house. Wind is mimicked by giant fans. 400 measurements can be taken every minute. Researchers are able to make large and small changes to the house (such as opening or closing the curtains) and measure accurately what the impact is on energy consumption and internal temperatures. This is the only place in the world, I was told when I visited a couple of weeks ago, where the real impact of energy-saving measures can be exactly calculated.

Commercial companies can use the house for experiments. The building products company St Gobain recently released some details of the work it has carried out on the Salford house. Although the published data is very sketchy, the headlines suggest that external wall insulation can be much more effective than some other estimates would suggest. When St Gobain put insulation on the outside of the end of the house and the back wall and also added internal insulation on the front wall, it reduced heat loss by almost 50%, saving over £250 a year. This is about three times what the latest government data suggests. The reasons will include the care with which the St Gobain staff installed the insulation and the quality of the product.

About 7 million houses in the UK have solid walls, about a quarter of the total stock of homes. These houses were usually built before the mid-1920s, when cavity wall insulation became almost universal in single family dwellings. A typical Victorian terrace has brick walls, often only one brick thick. Such houses, still popular with their owners, are amongst the most energy inefficient in the Western world. Solid wall insulation – either on the outside of the brick or on the inside of the house is the most important improvement that can be made. Reducing the heat need in these homes (1/4 of the stock) by up to 50% by using solid wall insulation would cut UK carbon emissions from domestic heating by about 12%. This is not an overwhelming number but external wall insulation is one of the two or three most important individual energy improvements that the UK can make.

An earlier article on this web site looked at the results from the National Energy Efficiency Database (N-E-E-D). This database showed that the real world results from most energy efficiency measures were much less than other government sources predicted. For example, increasing the thickness of loft insulation had very little effect on actual energy consumption. The N-E-E-D results also suggested that solid wall insulation measures were not particularly effective. The average installation was shown to reduce its energy consumption by about 2,000 kWh a year, perhaps a sixth of the total heating bill.

So the Salford results are much better. In the laboratory, where St Gobain technicians could carefully fit insulation without fear of being rained on or being distracted in other ways, the savings seem to be about 6,000 kWh a year, three times the level suggested by N-E-E-D for real world houses.  The explanations for the difference are well known: the work will have been done more carefully and precisely in Salford, the materials will have been first-rate and – perhaps critically- the laboratory house was still run at the same temperature once the insulation was completed. (Better insulation sometimes seems to encourage the householder to turn up the thermostat, taking back some of the savings).

So the good news is that solid wall insulation can really make a difference to energy consumption. But this is balanced by the high cost of such measures. Even a small terraced house, such as the Salford lab, would face a bill of over £5,000 for good insulation, possibly much more. The annual return would therefore be less than 5% or so. This isn’t sufficient to incentivise most householders, although they would certainly benefit from a more comfortable and less draughty house. However government can borrow at much less than 5% so it may makes financial sense to think about a national programme of solid wall insulation.

What about the other measures that the St Gobain team undertook? Topping up loft insulation saved about £20 a year, underfloor insulation and better windows cut bills by about £35 for each measure. These are all quite small savings and its worth reiterating the point that the cash benefits wouldn’t justify taking out a Green Deal loan to finance the improvements. (Unlike the results for external wall insulation, the St Gobain figures for loft insulation are similar to the figures suggested by N-E-E-D for real homes).

We all like to think that energy efficiency improvements are financially sensible. These latest Salford results suggest that the reality is more complex: if you have savings mouldering in a close-to-zero interest bank account then improving the fabric of your home may make sense. But for new homeowners stretched by mortgage payments, insulation will not look financially attractive.




Total UK energy use fell by about 4% in 2013

  Today’s provisional energy consumption figures from DECC suggest a striking improvement in energy efficiency in 2013. The key ratio of primary energy use to UK GDP improved by about 4%. Expressed another way, energy consumption in 2013 fell by 2% as the economy grew by about 1.9%. This ratio has improved an average of 2.8% a year since 2000, suggesting that the rate of efficiency improvement may be increasing.

Whatever else the UK is doing wrong in energy policy, there’s little doubt that overall energy use is tending to fall quite sharply. Much of this improvement may be driven by rising energy prices. In recent years, the rise in wind power production has also helped; a turbine’s usable power is nearly as much the primary energy it produces but it takes about two units of input energy to make one unit of electricity from fossil fuel. This effect alone represented one percentage point of the decrease in total (‘primary’) energy use. Nevertheless if the UK returns to the average growth rates of pre-2007 of around 2-2.5% a year, total energy use seems likely to continue to fall.

Primary Energy production